Project: S Paul Hotel
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S Paul Hotel

S Paul Hotel

Limassol, Cyprus






S Paul Hotel

Limassol, Cyprus

S Paul Hotel


S Paul Hotel is set in a restored listed traditional building, two storey boutique hotel with a courtyard in the Old Town of Limassol. The owners wanted to offer to the town a meeting point for all its residents. Respecting and amplifying the significance of its traditional elements was of paramount importance. The newly created space had to abolish the defensive character of Neoclassical shells and instigate interaction between the public realm and the enclosed courtyard without compromising.


“S Paul” by Elastic Architects reintroduces the old flare to the current, opulent atmosphere of Limassol. The need arose for creating the standards for boutique hotels for the developing city of Limassol.


The inspiration for the interior design derived from the existing arches within the building. The arches indicated the nobility status of the landlord. The old arches are unveiled, opened up and highlighted. The new arches are reinterpreted by using intricate details, combined with subtle lighting, thus creating a theatrical setting. Due to the nature of the existing building, each one of the 22 rooms are of unique design, having as guidelines the arches and their golden highlights, set upon white washed stone.


There is a constant dialogue between reflections and transparences. Depending on the time in the day, the visual result differs. During the day, the mirrors highlight their surroundings, whereas during the night they change function and become filters for previously concealed areas. Attention to detail and references continue throughout the rooms and the rest of the hotel, such as the legs of the boudoir that resemble heels, and the golden trims that lighten and elevate the wooden furniture. Dark marble highlights the reflecting details that are found throughout the bar.



The focus point of the building is the internal courtyard. All functions of the building revolve around it. All the rooms are orientated towards it. The courtyard functions as a small oasis in the urban fabric. The subtle and solid arches of the courtyard come in contrast to the custom-made bronze elements of the other public areas. The olive tree in the courtyard, brought on site from the countryside, is framed and acts as a visual connector to the town’s public realm. ‘S Paul” boutique hotel is an area not only dedicated to the guest, but also an inviting space for Limassol’s residences.

Principal Architects
Ria Vogiatzi. Alexandros Xenos.


Dimitra Aggelopoulou. Irini Giotopoulou. Chrysa Daflouka.


