Project: Brown Hotel Sounio
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Brown Hotel Sounio

Brown Hotels

Sounio, Greece






Brown Hotel Sounio

Sounio, Greece

Brown Hotels

Under construction

Inspired by the merge between earth and sea, “topos” is redefined from the coastline near and around the Cape of Sounio, by creating a new unique combination between the existing structure. Representing earth and logic, a new design is introduced which celebrates water through a sophisticated, eternal and ethereal approach.


Elastic were inspired by Greek Mythology according to which an ancient legend, king Aegean of Athens fell from the rocks of Cape Sounion while waiting for his son Theseus to return from his quest to Minoan Crete. His son did not change the color of the sails into white, after returning as a winner from the fight with Minotaurus, but left the black sails which symbolized his death.


Sounion, is a place of loss and misconceptions, a symbol of maturity, besides its idyllic atmosphere. This is where Earth and Water become one and the balance between logic and feelings occurs. There, between sentiment and logic, impulse and stability, the place is defined where all the above coincide and form as an eternal point of connection of these elements.


Our intent was to design all spaces of the hotel exuding a sophisticated naturalistic balanced feeling. Creating a place that stands as an eternal balcony overlooking the blue of Aegean Sea, we shape a symbol of balance between the elements of water and earth, extended to reality as sea and land.

Principal Architects
Ria Vogiatzi. Alexandros Xenos.


Ilias Papanikolaou. Agapi Smyrniou. Eua Kotsailidi. Stefania Frousiou. Lina Polymenakou. Giannis Messas. Christos Pampafikos. Evina Papoulidi.


CGI Visuals
Vasilis Mpountopoulos. Ilias Kossyvas.

