

This policy applies to the company “Elastic Architects”, hereinafter referred to as the company.

The company is committed to protecting the personal information collected when you use our website and other services. This Privacy Policy sets out its commitment to protect personal data with respect to its collection, use, transfer and retention.

Collection and use of Personal Data

The company publishes its email addresses to contact it on its website in order to facilitate communication with any interested party. In order to manage and respond to your queries and requests, we may collect and store your full name, e-mail, address, contact details and any other information you may have provided to us. This information is used strictly to respond satisfactorily to your questions or requests and will not be disclosed to third parties other than those listed in this policy or where disclosure is required or permitted by law.

In addition, we provide the company’s telephone numbers for a more direct contact if required.

There is also the possibility to subscribe to the company’s newsletter, where the user’s e-mail address is filled in. In any case, if the user wishes to withdraw his/her consent, it is possible to unsubscribe from the company’s newsletter through the body of the e-mail message received by the user. At the same time, the e-mail address is deleted from the company’s systems.

For the lawful processing of your data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, there is a lawful basis established before processing personal data. In the above cases, the basis for the processing of personal data on our part is the legitimate interest of the controller as well as your explicit consent to the processing, by submitting the relevant form and provided you agree with this policy.

Transfer of Personal Data

The company may transfer personal data collected to the extent that it is reasonably necessary for the management of its business. Such transfers will be protected by appropriate protection measures. In addition, we may transfer personal data where such processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are Subject.

Retention of Personal Data

The company is committed not to retain personal data for a period longer than necessary and we ensure that we will delete it securely. For additional information on erasure period, please contact us through the “Contact Us” section of the website.

Rights of Subjects

In this section, the company explains the rights arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and how Subjects of data can satisfy these rights. For further clarification please refer to the “Contact” option of the website.

Right of Access

The company believes that the personal data collected directly from the Subjects is accurate and complete. Individuals can access their own personal data by using the Subject’s Rights Request.

Right to rectification and deletion

The Subject of data may request the updating, deletion or removal of any information held about him or her, and any third party who processes or uses the data must also comply with this request. A request for erasure may only be refused if an exception applies. The right to erasure can be exercised using the Subject’s Rights Request.

The company is obliged to delete the personal data when any of the following applies:
• the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
• the Subject of data withdraws his or her consent and there is no other legitimate basis for processing
• the Subject of data objects to the processing carried out on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Data Controller and there are no other overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
• the personal data have been unlawfully processed;
If the request to erase the personal data has been received, the identification has been confirmed, the request meets one of the above requirements and there is no legitimate ground for opposing the processing, the company must erase the relevant data in its entirety. The request should be registered in the Subject’s Rights Request.
If the company cannot delete the personal data, it will ensure that:
• it cannot or will not attempt to use personal data to justify any decision about an individual or in a way that affects that individual in any way,
• does not give any other organization access to the personal data,
• protects personal data with appropriate technical and organizational measures, and commits to the permanent deletion of the information if, or when, it becomes available.

Right to restriction of processing

The Subject of data has the right to demand from the controller, restriction of processing using the Subject’s Rights Request.

Right of Refusal

The Subject of data has the right to object, at any time and on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her using the Subject’s Rights Request.

Right to Data Portability

Upon request, the Subject of data should have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data in a structured format using the Subject’s Rights Request.
These requests should be processed within one (1) month, as there is no excessive burden and it does not compromise the privacy of the individuals. A Subject of data may also request that his or her data be transferred directly to another system. This request must be implemented free of charge.

If the company cannot fully respond to this request within one (1) month, it should nevertheless provide the following information to the Subject of Data, or his or her legally authorized representative, within the time period specified:

• A confirmation of receipt of the request
• Any information identified to date
• Details of any information or amendments requested which will not be provided to the data Subject, the reason(s) for refusal, and any available procedures for appealing the decision
• An estimated date by which the remaining replies will be provided
• An estimate of any costs to be paid by the Subject of data (e.g. where the request is excessive in nature); and
• The name and contact details of the Data Protection Officer, if any.


If the company chooses to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on the company website. Where the changes are significant, we may also choose to send an e-mail to affected users with the new details. Where required by law, we will obtain your consent to make these changes.


If you have any concerns or complaints about this policy, please contact us:
Phone: +30 210 220 4500
email :
If you believe that our processing of your data violates applicable law, you may lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority:
Personal Data Protection Authority (tel:+30-2106475600 – email:

This policy applies to the company “Elastic Architects”, hereinafter referred to as the company.

The company is committed to protecting the personal information collected when you use our website and other services. This Privacy Policy sets out its commitment to protect personal data with respect to its collection, use, transfer and retention.

The company publishes its email addresses to contact it on its website in order to facilitate communication with any interested party. In order to manage and respond to your queries and requests, we may collect and store your full name, e-mail, address, contact details and any other information you may have provided to us. This information is used strictly to respond satisfactorily to your questions or requests and will not be disclosed to third parties other than those listed in this policy or where disclosure is required or permitted by law.

In addition, we provide the company’s telephone numbers for a more direct contact if required.

There is also the possibility to subscribe to the company’s newsletter, where the user’s e-mail address is filled in. In any case, if the user wishes to withdraw his/her consent, it is possible to unsubscribe from the company’s newsletter through the body of the e-mail message received by the user. At the same time, the e-mail address is deleted from the company’s systems.

For the lawful processing of your data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, there is a lawful basis established before processing personal data. In the above cases, the basis for the processing of personal data on our part is the legitimate interest of the controller as well as your explicit consent to the processing, by submitting the relevant form and provided you agree with this policy.

The company may transfer personal data collected to the extent that it is reasonably necessary for the management of its business. Such transfers will be protected by appropriate protection measures. In addition, we may transfer personal data where such processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are Subject.

The company is committed not to retain personal data for a period longer than necessary and we ensure that we will delete it securely. For additional information on erasure period, please contact us through the “Contact Us” section of the website.

In this section, the company explains the rights arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and how Subjects of data can satisfy these rights. For further clarification please refer to the “Contact” option of the website.

The company believes that the personal data collected directly from the Subjects is accurate and complete. Individuals can access their own personal data by using the Subject’s Rights Request.

The Subject of data may request the updating, deletion or removal of any information held about him or her, and any third party who processes or uses the data must also comply with this request. A request for erasure may only be refused if an exception applies. The right to erasure can be exercised using the Subject’s Rights Request.

The company is obliged to delete the personal data when any of the following applies:
• the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
• the Subject of data withdraws his or her consent and there is no other legitimate basis for processing
• the Subject of data objects to the processing carried out on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Data Controller and there are no other overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
• the personal data have been unlawfully processed;
If the request to erase the personal data has been received, the identification has been confirmed, the request meets one of the above requirements and there is no legitimate ground for opposing the processing, the company must erase the relevant data in its entirety. The request should be registered in the Subject’s Rights Request.
If the company cannot delete the personal data, it will ensure that:
• it cannot or will not attempt to use personal data to justify any decision about an individual or in a way that affects that individual in any way,
• does not give any other organization access to the personal data,
• protects personal data with appropriate technical and organizational measures, and commits to the permanent deletion of the information if, or when, it becomes available.

The Subject of data has the right to demand from the controller, restriction of processing using the Subject’s Rights Request.

The Subject of data has the right to object, at any time and on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her using the Subject’s Rights Request.

Upon request, the Subject of data should have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data in a structured format using the Subject’s Rights Request.
These requests should be processed within one (1) month, as there is no excessive burden and it does not compromise the privacy of the individuals. A Subject of data may also request that his or her data be transferred directly to another system. This request must be implemented free of charge.

If the company cannot fully respond to this request within one (1) month, it should nevertheless provide the following information to the Subject of Data, or his or her legally authorized representative, within the time period specified:

• A confirmation of receipt of the request
• Any information identified to date
• Details of any information or amendments requested which will not be provided to the data Subject, the reason(s) for refusal, and any available procedures for appealing the decision
• An estimated date by which the remaining replies will be provided
• An estimate of any costs to be paid by the Subject of data (e.g. where the request is excessive in nature); and
• The name and contact details of the Data Protection Officer, if any.

If the company chooses to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on the company website. Where the changes are significant, we may also choose to send an e-mail to affected users with the new details. Where required by law, we will obtain your consent to make these changes.

If you have any concerns or complaints about this policy, please contact us:
Phone: +30 210 220 4500
email :
If you believe that our processing of your data violates applicable law, you may lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority:
Personal Data Protection Authority (tel:+30-2106475600 – email: